We offer a wide variety of partnership opportunities, helping a range of other companies save time and money. Find out how you could benefit from a partnership with Global Discoveries.
Asset Locators: Smaller firms often find it difficult to deal with complex or disputed claims and to gain the trust of large corporations. Over many years of experience, weve developed first-name relationships with many of the countrys largest financial institutions, enabling us to work closely with companies hesitant to work with less established asset recovery firms. We work with larger firms on a reciprocal basis, as well. If you have located funds for one of our clients please call us to discuss our partnership program.
- To find out more about partnering with us, please complete the Registration Form and or Confidentiality Agreement. Once weve reviewed your application, we will contact you to discuss the opportunities available.
- To see if we have located funds for one of your clients, please search our funds located database. If so, contact us to work out a reciprocal referral with your firm.
Financial Institutions: Institutions may locate or receive notification of recoverable assets. While those unclaimed or lost assets are a revenue source, asset recovery is not their primary expertise and managing a complex claims process is often not cost effective. Our highly trained and experienced staff offers the expertise and dedication to take care of the recovery process from start to finish, freeing up resources businesses could better use elsewhere.
Probate Attorneys and Law Firms: We can help locate and contact any missing parties or heirs entitled to money as a result of the probate or other settlement process. Our extensive network and experience allow us to ensure that all parties receive the money they are due.
Other Affiliate Relationships: We work with many types of professionals and can tailor a program specifically to your needs.
Contact Us for more information.