Global Discoveries is a professional lost and unclaimed asset location and recovery firm specializing in connecting these assets with their rightful owners. We offer expertise gained through more than 100 years of combined experience and a track record of recovering millions of dollars for numerous government agencies, businesses, and nonprofit organizations!

Governmental Agencies and Nonprofits can be the owner, debtor, willed heir or successor of unclaimed or lost assets for several reasons. Governmental Agencies and Nonprofits are no different than any other client we have. They may have a refund due them from an overpayment they made, may have been sent a check that was lost in the mail, may be a debtor on a judgment or the recipient on a settlement, or might be the named heir to a deceased person’s estate, etc. The Reasons Go On And On! Unfortunately, most of our clients are unaware of many of the unclaimed or lost assets available to them for claiming.

That is where we come in! We break down each claim to determine who has a right to the funds and then spend the time, energy and effort researching how those assets can be claimed and returned to the proper claimant.